Hello. I'm Angelo.
A Front-End Developer.

Crafting seamless web interfaces that prioritize user experience, accessibility, and functionality is my passion as a frontend developer.


I am a 32-years-old FrontEnd Developer with a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Over time, I have expanded my skill set to include modern libraries and frameworks such as React, Next.js, and Redux. To enhance the styling of my projects, I also use SCSS for cleaner and more maintainable code. Additionally, I am proficient in using Git and GitHub for version control and have experience with design tools like Figma. My goal is to create visually appealing and user-friendly web applications, continuously improving my skills and keeping up with the latest industry trends.




Jan 2024 - Present

Freelancer - Frontend Engineer

I am currently available, for freelance work as a FrontEnd Developer for any type of project you can contact me on Linkedin or by email explaining the details of the freelance project, after that I will write to you telling you a quote for the project, if I am available to do it and most importantly how long it will take me to complete it.


You can also work with me today, contact me from my email address which is: angelobroggian4@gmail.com

Checkout my GitHub profile: angeldevildev

Sep 2022 - Present

Spotify - Frontend Engineer

In my role as frontend engineer at Spotify, I had the opportunity to lead the development of innovative user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and React. With my experience with JavaScript and Redux, I was able to create reusable components that made the development process faster and more efficient. By integrating the Spotify API, I implemented advanced functionality and handled asynchronous calls smoothly. In addition, I used Express.js to ensure smooth communication with the backend.

Apr 2015 - Giu 2023

Microsoft - Frontend Developer

In my role as a frontend developer at Microsoft, I had the opportunity to create truly cutting-edge user interfaces using React.js. With my experience in web development and programming, I was able to create engaging and high-performing user experiences. I also used Photoshop to enhance the visual appearance of web applications, incorporating graphical principles that gave an extra touch.


Car Rental

A car rental website is an online platform that allows users to rent cars for personal or business use. The website provides an interface for searching, comparing, and reserving cars.

Technologies used: React, JavaScript, CSS, Vercel

Portfolio 2024

My new portfolio with a new design, i am still working on this project!

Technologies used: React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Vercel


VisiUI is a library that provides pre-built, editable React components that can be used in your app. Is OpenSource and you can start contributing right NOW!

Technologies used: React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Vercel, OpenGraph